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Things My Husband Says, #3

Me: "I've grown accustomed to your face."
D.H.: What's that from?
Me: My Fair Lady
D.H.: Oh, right....doesn't she get raped in that one?
Me: What??  No!  Things like that don't happen in musicals!


jaesi said...


Emma said...

BWAH! Oh my lord I can't wait to hang out with you two.

Cassie said...

Oh my heck that is hilarious! There is kind of a rape in Sweeney Todd. Don't forget those dark musicals. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. I haven't seen it but I wouldn't be surprised if there wasn't some malicious goings on in there. But My Fair Lady? Yeah, that's as sweet as they come.

Kaysie Lee said...

Hehehe! Funny!