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Things My Boyfriend Says, #1

D.H.: Heath.  All guys named Heath are gay.
Me: What about Heath Ledger?
D.H.: Well...he's dead, so he might as well be gay.

D.H.: Your ass is getting bigger.
Me: *death stare* Never say anything like that to me again.
D.H.: No, I like it!  I like it!!


Kaysie Lee said...

The more I hear about this D.H. fellow the more I like him. He sounds like a great match for you.

Cassie said...

It was great to meet him. You two are really cute together. And sounds like he's really funny. I totally cracked up at that Heath Ledger thing.

Unknown said...

Dang. I wish MY boyfriend said he liked it when MY ass got bigger!!!


Your boyfriend rocks like a stone or a boulder.